Sunday, September 10, 2023

Tokyo Giants Baseball Game!

Here are some notes I took about the Tokyo Giants baseball game I went to! It was SOOOO fun--a big highlight of my trip so far :)

  • Bought #24 Tshirt for Mays

  • Giants Dodgers?! Sitting next to a guy from LA wearing a Kershaw jersey

  • Professional cheer team leading the bleachers

  • Whole team bowed on first baseline after win

  • Feels like 80s style baseball

  • 3 successful sacrifice bunts(!!) Only one of which was done by the pitcher.

  • Pitcher hits

  • After 3:30 minutes no new inning can start but no pitch clock

  • Playoff atmosphere

  • Away team fans sit together in half of the left field bleachers

  • The bleachers are VERY loud, drums, whistles

  • Bleacher section doing organized cheers the entire half inning they’re hitting (including a version of let’s go giants)

  • Small but mighty brass section that evokes college football energy

  • Singing/clapping chants throughout offensive half innings

  • No yelling at umps

  • Cushioned seats

  • Rally towels after every run

  • Cheerleaders and 5! mascots

  • 10 bucks for hot dog, drink and cheese balls

  • Can also buy bento boxes/Japanese food

  • Suites have company names visible on them

  • No 7th inning stretch or take me out to the ballgame or god bless America ;) no national anthem

  • Teams named after companies

  • Right fielder bowed after a nice catch

  • Guy comes around with trash bag in the 8th

  • Postgame interview with two players of the game

  • These two Players go around and high fives fans after game

  • Bathrooms still stink!
I wonder whether Ohshiro knows that he's wearing Willie Mays' number?!
Welcome to the Tokyo Dome!
Giants dugout store, Tokyo style, is basically the exact same thing as SF style: overpriced!
What are the odds I sat next to a Dodgers fan from LA?!? Also, the team the Giants were playing (Chunichi Dragons) had identical colors to the Dodgers... so weird!!!
I saw more people eating Japanese food options like noodles and bento boxes than hot dogs
Instead of overweight older men selling beer, Japan has young women in short skirts...
I paid under $10 for a hot dog, cheese balls and drink--Unheard of!
People don't leave trash under their seats--they clean up after themselves, facilitated by a trash bag walked up the aisle in the 8th inning! How civilized!
The Giants held on to win 5-0. Go Giants!!!
Tokyo Dome ice cream sandwich... yummy!
Notice to organized crime groups (which to my knowledge don't exist in Japan anyhow) to keep out of the baseball game!
It's very common here to organize trash into "burnables" vs "non-burnables". I don't really understand how this translates to recycling...

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